2025-07-31 4H Friends Roundup 4H Friends Roundup July 31 4H Friends Roundup For information, contact Penn State Extension office at 717-270-4391.
2025-08-02 Battle of The Builds Battle of The Builds August 2 Battle of The Builds For information, contact us at nxtlvmotorworx@gmail.com or 717-490-9201.
2025-08-05 PA Holstein Championship Show PA Holstein Championship Show August 5 PA Holstein Championship Show For information, contact Brad Hoover at bhoover@yahoo.com or 717-507-7976.
2025-08-08 Keystone Dog Cluster Keystone Dog Cluster August 8 - August 10 Keystone Dog Cluster For information, contact Liz Muthard at sunno1001@gmail.com or 610-360-1778.
2025-08-09 Beast of the East Beast of the East August 9 Beast of the East For information, contact Mattt Balmer at balmer2500@comcast.net or 717-821-8170.
2025-08-09 Biever Family Police Scholarship Fund- Run Biever Family Police Scholarship Fund- Run August 9 Biever Family Police Scholarship Fund- Run For information, contact Noel Biever at bieverpolicefund@gmail.com or 717-222-0823.
2025-08-12 Mark Hershey Farms – Customer Appreciation – by invitation Mark Hershey Farms – Customer Appreciation – by invitation August 12 Mark Hershey Farms – Customer Appreciation – by invitation
2025-08-15 Gem Miners Jubilee Gem Miners Jubilee August 15 - August 17 Gem Miners Jubilee For information, contact Teresa and Marvin Schwab at beadware@rcn.com or 301-807-9745.
2025-08-23 Keystone Large Car Nationals Keystone Large Car Nationals August 23 Keystone Large Car Nationals For information, contact Randy Kaylor at racerx2@ptd.net or 717-615-8331.
2025-08-27 G.V.S. Distributor Show(Wholesale only by invitatation, not open to the public) G.V.S. Distributor Show(Wholesale only by invitatation, not open to the public) August 27 G.V.S. Distributor Show(Wholesale only by invitatation, not open to the public) For information, contact Aaron Burkholder at aaronburkholder@gvsdis.com or 573-378-2000 ext. 2000.
2025-08-29 Kinetic Big Bang Flyball Tournament Kinetic Big Bang Flyball Tournament August 29 - August 31 Kinetic Big Bang Flyball Tournament For information, contact Brooke Hass at Hassie106@yahoo.com or 717-856-2854.
2025-09-06 Berks Kid Closet Consignment Sale Berks Kid Closet Consignment Sale September 6 Berks Kid Closet Consignment Sale For information, contact Judy Delasndro at judy@berkskidscloset.com or no calls - use email. Want to learn more visit http://www.berkskidscloset.com
2025-09-06 Lebanon Valley Fall Fair and Craft Show Lebanon Valley Fall Fair and Craft Show September 6 Lebanon Valley Fall Fair and Craft Show For information, contact Davey Whitmoyer at lvfallfair@gmail.com or no calls - use email.